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Welcome to DronePlanner

Plan your flights with ease.


Our Features

Route Planning

Interactive map for plotting waypoints and adjusting flight paths.

Weather Data Integration

Display real-time weather data and forecasts.

No-Fly Zone Information

Shows restricted areas and no-fly zones on the map.

Pre and Post Flight Checklist

Comprehensive checklists to ensure all pre-flight preparations and post-flight procedures are completed for safe drone operations.

Battery and Flight Time Estimation

Estimate battery usage and total flight time.

Stay Informed with Latest News

Stay up-to-date with drone regulations, industry news, and best practices for safe and compliant operations.

Impressive Visual Resumes

Elevate Your Drone Profile: Showcase your skills and experience as a drone pilot with captivating visual resumes, attracting clients and establishing industry credibility.

Contact Us

About Us

Welcome to! Simplifying drone management for hobbyists and professionals. Optimize operations, save time, and focus on flying. Join us to streamline your drone operations and take flight!

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